Saturday, 25 May 2019

"There's some bells you can't unring" Ken Cuccinelli

(I like the quote but, being a pedant, I feel obliged to correct it - "There are some bells..." sad, I know)

Although the building has an obvious religious connection I decided to scale down the plans for the front doorbell. 

I was thrilled when I found this on ebay

As I recall, bought on three different occasions the total for the parts was £29 - bargain! Lets hope the pulleys and wire cost less than £196.

Friday, 24 May 2019

The reason there's a question mark on my front door is just in case I forget my address" Leslie Nielsen

Next was the porch. After clearing the detrius, the next job was framing

It was time consuming because nothing was level and the timbers were like a 3D jigsaw without a picture to follow

Then the insulation. Again it was painstaking - carefully measuring to make sure each piece fitted its frame snugly

and finally the plasterboard

Next time I'll finish the ceiling and skim so it'll be ready to paint. Just the wiring to fix for a light

and a bell! We rescued an old bell, a brass pull and bits of mechanism from an architectural salvage in Edinburgh. I need some pulleys and wire - but more of that next time