Sunday 23 September 2018

"I enjoy passing time in my house. I'll get up, head out on the terrace, think about what to do, fool around oiling the floorboards or hanging pictures askew." Daniel Bruhl

The corridor from the kitchen to the hall was insulated

and  I ran some more boards

through the wood thicknesser which left them looking like this

Then it was just a matter of cutting them to size and fixing them to the battens - not as easy as it sounds in an area where the walls aren't straight and there aren't too many right angles

but eventually...

Tomorrow - the ceiling!

Monday 17 September 2018

"I've been waiting for that bright sunshine to show up and shine in my back door someday" Luther Allison

The kitchen has changed a bit since we bought the place

but the inside of the back door has remained in its building site phase,

so today it was time to frame and board 

Job done! 

Sunday 16 September 2018

"“Water does not resist. Water flows. When you plunge your hand into it, all you feel is a caress. Water is not a solid wall, it will not stop you. But water always goes where it wants to go, and nothing in the end can stand against it. Water is patient. Dripping water wears away a stone. Remember that, my child. Remember you are half water. If you can’t go through an obstacle, go around it. Water does.” Margaret Atwood

It rained last night - quite a lot

but the good news is that this time it stayed outside; all of it! The roof I had stripped and reslated twice hadn't been the entry point for the leak, there was a small crack in the rendering which I spotted earlier this week. To quote Ambrose Bierce "Perseverance - a lowly virtue whereby mediocrity achieves inglorious success"


Saturday 15 September 2018

"The road to ruin is always in good repair, and the travellers pay the expense of it." Josh Billings

The front windows in the kitchen were rotten and had to be replaced. The two at the back, although dilapidated, weren't beyond repair. I was especially fond of them since the bottom half of one had been blown out of its frame during a gale,

 hurled across the kitchen , and embedded vertically into a bag of cement. I felt this was an omen and it was this that they deserved a second chance. I made some replacement side struts 

and then rubbed down and painted the frame

The smaller one had a painted stone sill - probably used for keeping food cool on days of yore

It took six hours, two applications of Nitromors and the degradation of two scrapers and a wire brush to achieve this

After painting, this was the result

Next job, tiling the other window ledge.

Wednesday 12 September 2018

"A delusion is something that people believe in despite a total lack of evidence." Richard Dawkins

I spent most of the day yesterday wiring the kitchen lights. This involved taking down some of the plasterboard, fitting three junction boxes, routing cable through voids (I discovered a leak in the roof - more of that later) putting in cables back to the junction box and multiple trips up and down a stepladder. At the end of my toils the kitchen looked exactly the same, the only visual evidence being the minute "spot the difference" between the light switches. So, today, I decided I needed to satisfy my thirst for photographic evidence of progress and set about the old pine unit which was in the house when we bought it.

Having already fitted a sink and taps, I sanded and waxed it

I also fitted a light underneath the wall cupboard

It's difficult to show the shine and depth of finish but if you want to see for yourself you'll have to pop round. In the afternoon I set up some scaffolding and went in search of that leak in the roof I mentioned earlier. I sealed what looked like it might be the cause but will have to wait and see when the next rain comes.

Friday 7 September 2018

"I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I intended to be." Douglas Adams

The kitchen has been a strange room to work on. It's been protracted and "bitty" and so it has proved difficult to maintain momentum. The idea this month - I'm on Eigg for the whole of September - is to crack on with the little jobs which have been left or unfinished. There were two sections of floor which hadn't been done: underneath one of the radiators and just inside the back door. Both are now finished, with a slight delay caused by me disturbing one of the pipe joints which hadn't been fully tightened. After much head scratching and phone calls to the plumber, I managed to tighten the said joint with a pair of gas pliers. With the flooring complete I could move onto the skirting board, which I made with a table router

Next I tiled the cooker recess and yes I did tile all the bits you can't see when the cooker is in place.

Then I fitted a light, smoke alarm and extractor fan before putting the cooker back in place, (note the new dining chairs)

I then put matching tiles on the front window sills 

The last jobs are to finish the detail around the doors, paint the wall behind the dresser and sort out the access to the mezzanine. Onward and upward!