The new windows are signs that we're moving forward with the project, and against a perfect blue spring sky it feels like the place is beginning to live again
I'm really happy with the way I've been recording the construction and renovation work but I've been looking forward to having a camera which is capable of taking some decent indoor pictures which show the style we're aiming for. We're constantly searching ebay, Gumtree and auction rooms for things which are affordable, to our taste and which "go together." Following a visit to Jessops last week, I took my new Olympus E-M10 Mk2 to the Manse to record some of the work we've done on three of the rooms over the last few visits. The pictures largely speak for themselves.
Top floor sitting room

(Musical Dreamboat - Aliisa Hislop)
(One day we'll live by the sea - Aliisa Hislop)
Guest bedroom
If a picture paints a thousand words, I guess 13000's enough for one entry