Monday 16 May 2016

"One has to look out for engineers - they begin with sewing machines and end up with the atomic bomb." Marcel Pagnol

 After numerous false starts, the sewing machine - with all its constituent parts this time - was set up and working perfectly - for about three and a half minutes. It's part of island life where you can't just  pop into John Lewis for parts/advice/a service. I had no alternative but to investigate with my trusty screwdriver to see if I could identify the source of the grinding noise and accompanying  lack of needle upanddownness. Ignoring the online manual, I did indeed dismantle it further than taking off the moving foot thingy and bobbin whatsaname. I removed as many screws and bits of plastic casing that would come off; carefully placing them where I could easily remember from whence they came. When I got to the point where all that was left to do was mantle, I sprayed WD40 wherever it seemed relevant. 

Hey presto - machine working at the right speed and quietly and all that was left at the end were two screws (which must have just been cosmetic, mustn't they?)

So, add "sewing machine engineer" to my patchy ragbag of skills!!! Now, where did I put that enriched uranium?

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