Saturday 6 July 2019

"If your work isn't mission-driven or emotionally resonant to you, it will be very hard to maintain passion and focus over a long period of time" Jennifer Hyman

One of my failings in life has been my propensity for temporary obsessional behaviour. I get heavily involved with something for a while but can suddenly find myself obsessing in a different area, losing interest in the previous one. However, Manseadventure has proved to be an enduring passion and focus for me. It is the best and most rewarding work I have ever had - I just can't get enough of the problem solving and manual labour. I love learning new skills, making mistakes and correcting them. I know it's not as good as if I'd paid a professional to do it but everything I've done has been to the best of my ability - and if it's not perfect then at least it's my not perfect.

I've just completed a three week stint and am reflecting on how much has been achieved. I've cut joists, insulation and floorboards before laying the hall floor

I've measured cut and fitted a plasterboard ceiling

remembering to install the wiring for a light

re framed, moved and rehung the front door

added a wall, made a door frame and hung a door to make a utility room

cut out two panels from an old door and glazed it using beading I routed in the workshop

and plumbed in the dishwasher

I ran out of time to take pictures of the finished, painted hall and of the developments outside including in the war on bracken; more of that next time

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