Tuesday 23 March 2021

"It's okay to laugh in the bedroom so long as you don't point" Will Durst

 The main bedroom has been living room, kitchen, store room, workshop - in fact everything except a bedroom. The time came to gut itand rip out the old fireplace


frame and plasterboard 

and then skim the walls and ceiling to create the master bedroom. With Joe the Plasterer now living on the island I decided it would be best to leave the plastering to him 

We had bought 6 doors from an architectural salvage place and all I had to do was build a frame to make two fitted wardrobes that opened and closed

Unfortunately I got so involved with what I was doing I forgot to take more photos of the process but after much painting, papering, installing coving and fireplace fitting it looks a bit like this

The final fitting of the original half tester bed has yet to be done - watch this space

1 comment:

  1. It looks absolutely amazing, what a joy!
